The Kokemachine Special
For every $24 in your basket, you receive a $2 discount. Prices include Tax and Shipping in Canada! (This may be affected by the Canada Post situation. You can also choose fast shipping which is not free). US customers, see below.
The Minnow Clapper is a lure designed for deadsticking with live minnows through the ice. The blades clap against the beads as the minnow moves adding noise and flash to the presentation. The Minnow Clapper was philosophized, conceived and hand made by the Kokemachine from the informative comedy fishing YouTube channel, 4 Eel Fishing.
US Customers
Thanks a million!
I can and will ship to the USA, but I have to ship via parcel mail which is a little more expensive. So I have set a flat rate of 10$. Customs charges will be your responsibility.
Produced In North Bay, Ontario, Canada
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